Request a City Service
1 Select Service Type
2 Service Location
3 Service Information
4 Contact Information
5 Comments and Attachments
6 Review and Submit
Hint Image
Service Type
- OR -

Abandoned/Inoperable Vehicle
Select to report a vehicle, in the City of Little Rock, on property (not in the street) that will not run or is in a state of disrepair.

Access Ramp Installation
Select to request a new access ramp installation at sidewalk intersections within the City of Little Rock limits.

Access Ramp Maintenance
Select to report access ramp maintenance in the City of Little Rock streets that require repair, vegetation removal, and/or dirt/debris removal.

Address Assignment Request
Select to request an address for a street within the City of Little Rock limits. This is for construction of new buildings only.

Alley Maintenance
Select to report various maintenance needs in the alley right-of-way open to traffic within the City of Little Rock limits. Live trees and brushes in alleys are maintained by the adjacent property owner.

Animal Abuse / Conditions
Select to report living conditions of an animal, in the City of Little Rock, that would be considered cruel.

Animal Vaccinations & Licensing
Select to report an animal in the City of Little Rock, that does not have current vaccinations or City license.

Appliance Pick-Up
Select to request a pick-up of residential appliances at the curb within the City of Little Rock limits who are currently paying solid waste services fees. Examples of appliance pick-up are freezers, water heater, stove or oven, air conditioner, washer, dryer, trash compactor, refrigerators, and freezers. "Refrigerants and contents must be removed from all appliances prior to pick-up (ex. refrigerators, freezers & air conditioners). **First " 4 " pick-ups during the current calendar year will be free. A fee will be charged for any additional pick-ups during the current calendar year.*

Barking Dog
Select to report an barking dog, in the City of Little Rock, that is a disturbance to the neighborhood.

Basketball Goal Removal
Select to report basketball goal stands set up in the street or right-of-way whereby play occurs in the street.

Broken Playground Equipment
Select to report damaged/maintenance issues relating to playground equipment in City of Little Rock Parks.

Construction - Erosion Control Inspection
Select to request information and/or a grading permit. This service request is also used to request an inspection of a construction site for erosion control within the City of Little Rock limits.

Construction - Working After Hours
Select to report outdoor construction on a commercial or residential building, in the City of Little Rock, M-F (allowed 6 AM - 6 PM) Saturday (allowed 7 AM - 6 PM) or Sunday (1 PM - 6 PM) or indoor construction, in the City of Little Rock, M-F (allowed 6 AM - 10 PM) Saturday (allowed 7 AM - 10 PM) or Sunday (1 PM - 6 PM).

Construction - Working Without A Permit
Select to report construction on a commercial or residential building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical (heating & A/C) work being performed without a permit, in the City of Little Rock.

Curb Inlet / Catch Basin Cleaning
Cleaning out flooded or stopped up concrete drain boxes (catch basins).

Deceased Animal Pick-Up At Street/Curb
Select to request deceased animal pick-ups on City of Little Rock streets and curbs. Animals that can be picked up must be smaller than a deer (ex. dogs, cats, squirrels, etc.). Place deceased animal at curb (if possible in a bag or box) for pick-up. The deceased animal should be picked-up within 2 business days.

Ditch Maintenance
Select to request ditch maintenance activities such as mowing, cleaning, spraying (herbicide), cutting brush that can't be mowed, debris removal, etc... Please allow 30 - 60 business days, weather permitting, for ditch maintenance to be completed. ***Ditch maintenance may take longer during the summer growing season to complete.***

Select to report issues with flooding. Includes flooding in the street, ditches, yards/structures within the City of Little Rock limits.

Garbage - Additional Cart Request
Select to request additional garbage carts to locations currently paying solid waste fees. Upon receipt of your signed authorization card, new garbage carts will be scheduled for delivery. Each additional garbage cart will be an additional $10 per month.

Garbage Cart Issues
Select to request delivery, repairs, & additional City of Little Rock garbage carts to locations currently paying solid waste fees. New garbage carts will be delivered on your next scheduled garbage pick-up day providing carts are available. If your garbage cart needs repair, it must be placed at curb for repairs to be completed. Cart repairs should be completed within "15" business days.

Graffiti - Streets / Signs / Sidewalks / Walls
Select to report graffiti on City of Little Rock street and traffic signs, roadways, sidewalks and retaining walls only. Graffiti found on private structures such as buildings or fences, should be reported to the 311 Call Center during normal business hours to discuss options.

Hazard / Object In Street Or Alley
Select to report hazardous objects blocking the roadway (ex. tree limbs, furniture, appliances, lumber, etc...). If the hazardous objects are blocking the roadway during non-business hours, please call the Police Department non-emergency number at 501-371-4829.

High Grass & Weeds
Select to report grass or weeds, in the City of Little Rock, that are over 10 inches high

Housing Code Violations
Please use this Service Request Type to report exterior housing violations.

Landscaping Violations
Used to report failure to maintain proper landscaping of commercial businesses within the City of Little Rock.

Lights Out - Park
Select to report burned out lights in a City of Little Rock Park. This includes lights in/at a pavillion, ballfield, path, etc.

Litter Along City Streets
Select to report litter on or along City of Little Rock public streets. This does not include items left out for normal trash pickup at the curb or dumping on private property. Litter on City of Little Rock public streets should be cleared within 10 business days.

Manhole / Storm Drain Maintenance
Select to report drainage issues involving storm drains (ex. gutters, manholes, underground storm pipes, grates, etc..). This also includes debris removal from storm drains causing blocked drains, repairs to concrete drain structures and missing / loose / damaged manhole covers. Damage to drainage pipes under driveways are property owner's responsibility. For missing manhole covers during non-business hours, contact the Police Department non-emergency number at 501-371-4829.

Missed Garbage Pick-Up
Select to report a missed garbage pick-up within the City of Little Rock. Only residents paying for City of Little Rock solid waste services fees should use this request. It is not considered a missed pick-up till after 3:30 p.m. on your scheduled pick-up day.

Missed Recycling Pick-Up
Select to report a missed residential recycling pick-up within the City of Little Rock. Pick-up is not considered missed until after 7:00 p.m. on your scheduled collection day. The contractor has "1" business day after this request to pick-up your recycling. Only residents paying for City of Little Rock solid waste services should use this request.

Missed Yard Waste Pick-Up
Select to report a missed yard waste within the City of Little Rock limits. It is not considered a missed pick-up till after 3:30 p.m. on your scheduled pick-up day. Yard waste materials must be 6 feet or shorter in length and 6 inches or less in diameter and be placed at the curb. Do not place yard waste in city provided trash cart. If yard waste materials exceed size requirements, please call the 311 Call Center on next business day to discuss possible pick-up options.

Mowing Along Street
Select to report streets, medians or other public right-of-ways requiring grass cutting / mowing within the City of Little Rock limits. This does NOT include complaints regarding high grass and weeds on private property. If so, please change the 311 service request type to "High Grass & Weeds".

Multi-Family Recycling Request
Multi-Family Recycling pertains to apartments / condominiums / mobile home parks of one hundred (100) units or more that are required by City of Little Rock ordinance to provide recycling for their tenants after January 1, 2015.

On-Call / Bulky Items / Special Pick-Up Request
Select to request pick-up of bulky items for locations paying solid waste fees to the City of Little Rock. Acceptable materials are furniture, carpet, clothing, books, barbeque grills, etc... For pick-up of appliances please change service request type to "Appliance Pick-up." The following items are prohibited by ordinance; building materials (concrete, brick, lumber, plywood, sheetrock, shingles, etc...), automobile parts, tires, household garbage, yardwaste, liquids, etc... *First " 4 " pick-ups during the current calendar year will be free. A fee will be charged for any additional pick-ups during the current calendar year.*

Owner Permitting Dog To Run Loose
Select to report an owner allowing their dog to run unleashed in the City of Little Rock.

Park Vandalism
Select to report vandalism in City of Little Rock Parks. Includes graffiti, damage to property, etc. caused by people (not weather related).

Parking In Yard
Select to report an address in the City of Little Rock that is in violation of the "No Parking Vehicles in Yard" Ordinance.

Parks Landscaping
Select to report issues related to landscaping in City of Little Rock Parks. Includes high grass and weeds, dead plants/flowers, complaints about landscaping, etc.

Pavillion Maintenance - Parks
Select to report maintenance issues with City of Little Rock Park Pavillions.

Pothole Repair
Select to report potholes in the City of Little Rock streets or alleys that require repair. Pothole repairs should be completed in 3 business days weather permitting.

Recycling - Additional Cart Request
Select to request an additional recycling cart. Each additional cart will be $3.11 per month and an authorization form will be mailed to you. This must be completed and returned within 2 weeks for the cart to be delivered.

Recycling - Cart Issues
Select to request delivery of a new cart, repair or replacement of an existing cart for locations currently paying City of Little Rock solid waste fees. Please allow approximately 7 - 10 business days to deliver or repair your recycling cart.

Rental Inspections
Please use this Service Request Type to request an interior Rental Inspection.

Rental Inspections (At Mobile Home)
Please use this Service Request Type to request a Rental Inspection at a Mobile Home.

Repair Catch Basin / Drain Box
Select to request repair of concrete drainage boxes located at street curbs within the City of Little Rock limits.

Restroom Maintenance - Parks
Select to report problems with restrooms within City of Little Rock Parks which includes unclean restrooms and water leaks.

Sick / Injured Animal
Select to report a sick or injured animal in the City of Little Rock.

Sidewalk / Curb / Gutter Repairs
Select to request needed repairs to sidewalks, concrete curbs, and gutters within the City of Little Rock limits.

Sight Obstruction
Select to report concerns of visibility on roadways and/or sidewalks within the City of Little Rock limits. This includes blocked traffic signs, signals, and blind corners (cant' see around corner). Sight obstructions can be trees and/or vegetation, fence, vehicle, signs (commerical or political etc...), buildings and/or structures. The sight obstruction will be investigated within 5 business days.

Sign Code Violations
Used to report violations of the City's Sign Codes. Includes flashing signs or lights, signs with moving parts, at a business location, etc.

Sign Removal Along City Streets
Select to report signs along City of Little Rock public streets. Signs will be investigated within 10 business days.

Stray Animal - Confined
Select to report a confined stray animal in the City of Little Rock, that needs to be impounded.

Stray Animal - Running At Large
Select to report a stray animal in the City of Little Rock, that needs to be impounded.

Street Light - Out
Select to report malfunctioning street lights on public streets within the City of Little Rock. Lights in alleys are the responsiblity of the homeowner. This does not include traffic signal malfunctions. Traffic signal malfunctions may be reported after hours by calling the Police Department non-emergency number at 501-371-4829.

Street Name Signs - Repair And Replace
Select to request replacement or repair of street name signs within the City of Little Rock. Street name signs will be repaired within 30 days.

Street Sweeping Request
Select to request City of Little Rock street sweeping. Your street will be evaluated for additional sweeping. Residential curb and gutter streets are swept once a month.

Summer Youth Employment
Select to request an application for entry into the Summer Youth Employment Program with the CIty of Little Rock. This application may also be accessed at: Scroll down to the section for Summer Youth Employment.

Traffic Pavement Markings Repair
Select to report missing or faded traffic pavement markings such as; lane lines, crosswalks, or arrow / legends within the City of Little Rock limits.

Traffic Signal - Malfunction
Used to report traffic signals (red/yellow/green) that are not functioning properly within the City of Little Rock. The traffic signal will be evaluated with 24 hours. Traffic signal malfunctions may be reported after hours by calling the Police Department non-emergency number at 501-371-4829.

Traffic Signs - Repair And Replace
Select to report repair and replacement of existing traffic signs within the City of Little Rock. Examples of traffic signs are stop signs, yield signs, pedestrian crossing, etc... Critical regulatory signs (stop, yield, etc...) will be replaced within 1 business day. Other traffic signs will be replaced within 5 business days. If a STOP SIGN is missing during non-business hours, please call the Police Department non-emergency number at 501-371-4829.

Trap Request
Select to request a trap to catch a stray animal, in the City of Little Rock.

Trash / Rubbish / Debris On Premise
Select to report a violation of trash, litter, debris, or illegal dumping on a property in the City of Little Rock

Tree Cutting - Permits And Information
Select to request a grading permit. A grading permit is required for many tree cutting activities on private property with the City of Little Rock. On individual residential lots less than 2 acres are exempt from permitting. Planning and Development will investigate and/or inspect all complaints regarding tree cutting. A permit is not required for the cutting of 8 trees or less.

Tree Removal In Right-Of-Way
Select to report hazardous and/or dead trees and limbs in the City's right-of-way.

Tree/Limbs Down - Parks
Select to report trees and/or limbs that have fallen to the ground in City of Little Rock Parks.

Zoning Violations/Commercial Buildings
Used to report zoning violations within the City of Little Rock. Includes: Operating Business out of the Home w/o License, Operating a Commercial Business or Auto Repair Business on a residential property, Parking a Commercial Trailer or Commercial Vehicles on a residential property, Conditional Use Permits (Operating a Day Care or a Church, etc.)